SMART Notebook

SMART Notebook is a software that is interactive and allows teachers to create lessons that bring learning to life.  'With a rich set of design and delivery features and a multitude of digital resources, SMART Notebook software connects you to a full ecosystem of content, tools and support that compliments the use of your SMART Board.' 

By using SMART Notebook in your lessons it is a way of ensuring your lessons are fun and interactive and provide the children with an inclusive learning environment. SMART Notebook is a great way to ensure you are meeting the aims of the National Curriculum to make all lessons engaging and ensuring the success of teaching methods.

If, like me prior to taking this course, you've never used SMART Notebook before I've attached a helping video that takes you through step-by-step of what buttons do what on the programme...(you're welcome!)

So, what are the benefits of using SMART Notebook in your classroom?

  • It is an inclusive programme, so all children will be able to participate in someway
  • It is a fun and interesting way for children to learn...and for you as the teacher to teach!
  • It is interactive, therefore proven to increase the success of learning new information 
  • It can be use across all curriculum topics as it is such a versatile resource
  • It is a highly successful aid for children with SEN- as the learning can be visual and interactive
  • There are numerous amounts of things you can do with it, therefore meaning no lesson will be the same
  • It can be used to show videos/audio to support your teaching in class 

For part of our assignments we had to produce a presentation using the SMART Notebook software. I found this really fun to prepare and was overwhelmed by just how many resources/tools were available to me on the programme. I'm going to talk you through some of the tools I used and if I found them successful or not. 

Starting with.....

*drum roll please*


Magic Box is a fun way to instantly assess whether children have grasped the concept you are trying to teach them. For this resource you do not need to use  a box as your template, for instance in my presentation I used a summer picture template and got the children to put the items that would be needed for summer into the picture, eg. sun cream, shorts, hat. There was a selection of items around the edge of the picture, including some that were not fit for scarf, fur coat, snowman. I had set it up so the images that were not correct would be sent underneath the picture template so children would know they were not for summer. You can also do this the other way round, so for example if you were using a box template you could set it up so the correct items DO go into the box (so you send them underneath the image) and the wrong items do not go into the bag so they stay on top.

I'd rate Magic Box-

Another technique I used was....


This technique is very simple and effective. For my presentation I used the dice as a means of assessment for what had been taught in previous slides. So I would select a child and say 'tell me .... things about summer' and I would roll the dice and whatever number it landed on, the child would have to tell me that many things. For example, if it landed on 3 the child would have to tell me 3 things about summer, ie. it's hot, you wear sun cream, August is a summer month. You could use the dice across all curriculums for assessment or a starter warm up task, ie. in maths you could use two dices and have a quick multiplication/adding warm up game.

The only possible downside of this tool is that is has to be used efficiently by the teacher, as on its own it doesn't stand for much- you, as a teacher, have to do a little extra work to support the resource and utilise it to its full ability.
See the source image
I'd rate dice roll- 

And finally...


Now, this one sounds scary but it's actually my favourite! (Saved the best till last). As it is the most complicated of the three to set up, I have attached a 'how to' video- it's really useful and definitely worth a watch!

This resource is absolutely brilliant for getting the children involved and learning in a fun, engaging way all at the same time. It is usable in all subjects as you can choose your 'vortex's' and the information that goes into them. If you are planning on using SMART Notebook for a lesson, I cannot recommend this tool enough.

I'd rate Vortex Sorts - 

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Reference Page 

 Burton, J, Potter, J and Turvey, K (2016) Primary Computing and Digital Technologies: Knowledge, Understanding and Practice. Croydon: SAGE Publications.

DfE (2013) The National Curriculum in England: Key Stages 1 and 2. London: Scholastic. 

Won, H (2015), Magic Box, available at

Mongelli, M (2016), Customizing Vortex Sorts in SMART Notebook 14 , available at

Fuse School: Global Education (2012), Get to know SMART Notebook buttons and functions - SMART tutorials for teachers - the virtual school, available at

SMART (2018), SMART Notebook ,available at


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