
The first wave we're going to ride on the raging sea that is the internet is a major concern for many parents, teachers and children alike. E-safety. Are your children safe on the internet? Am I safe on the internet? To be honest, is anyone safe on the internet?

If you worry every time your child picks up their phone, every time your class logs onto a computer, or every time you post a status update on your Facebook- then chances are this blogs for you! 

The internet, as I'm sure you know,  is a very BIG PLACE. In fact, it's so big that just Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook together store at least 1,200 petabytes between them. If like me you'd never heard of a 'petabyte' prior to reading this, I did my research and I can assure you...it's a lot! So when using the internet is it any surprise there are constant concerns about e-safety?

When learning about internet safety it is important to be SMART

Image result for internet safety SMART

10 RULES to tell children about using the internet-

1.   I won't give out any personal details- including my address, number, parents' numbers or school I go to.
2.   If something that happens online makes me feel uncomfortable, I will tell my parents or an adult straight away.
3.   I will never meet someone in real life who I have met online without telling anyone. If I tell my parents and they are ok with it, an adult MUST come with me. 
4.   I will discuss with my parents or an adult about what I post before I do so, as I don't want to post anything inappropriate. 
5.   I will not reply to nasty or mean comments I receive online. If I do get a horrible comment, I know it is not my fault and I will tell my parents or an adult straight away. 
6.   I will listen to my parents' or responsible adults rules about the internet and using my mobile phone. 
7.   I won't tell my passwords to anyone (not even my friends) other than my parents. 
8.   I will always ask permission before downloading anything onto my computer or phone, as it could cause damage. 
9.   I will be nice to all people online and not do anything illegal. 
10. I will use my knowledge of computers and technology to help my parents learn more about it. Sharing is caring! 
Image result for rules

If you are planning to teach a lesson on e-safety and are feeling bit apprehensive about it,  here is a link with a full lesson plan which you can use or use for inspiration provided by the NSPCC-  https://www.nspcc.org.uk/globalassets/documents/advice-and-info/lesson_plan_alex.pdf

Get your children to play along with this fun presentation where they can finish the sentences of 'The Four Rules of Internet Safety'. https://prezi.com/omjhmuvxuvd5/the-four-rules-of-internet-safety/ 


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Reference Page 

 Burton, J, Potter, J and Turvey, K (2016) Primary Computing and Digital Technologies: Knowledge, Understanding and Practice. Croydon: SAGE Publications.

DfE (2013) The National Curriculum in England: Key Stages 1 and 2. London: Scholastic. 

Whitney, T (2013), The Four Rules of Internet Safety, Avaliable at https://prezi.com/omjhmuvxuvd5/the-four-rules-of-internet-safety/

Safety Net Kids (2014), Staying safe online Available at-


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