
Showing posts from January, 2018


The first wave we're going to ride on the raging sea that is the internet is a major concern for many parents, teachers and children alike. E-safety. Are your children safe on the internet? Am I safe on the internet? To be honest, is anyone safe on the internet? If you worry every time your child picks up their phone, every time your class logs onto a computer, or every time you post a status update on your Facebook- then chances are this blogs for you!  The internet, as I'm sure you know,  is a very BIG PLACE. In fact, it's so big that just Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook together store at least 1,200 petabytes between them. If like me you'd never heard of a 'petabyte' prior to reading this, I did my research and I can assure's a lot! So when using the internet is it any surprise there are constant concerns about e-safety? When learning about internet safety it is important to be  SMART 10 RULES to tell children about ...